Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport, Loughborough, UK
Directed by Prof Vicky Tolfrey, the Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport (PHC) was established in 2005 and is an internationally renowned Disability Sport Research Centre, which now consists of over 35 staff, student and affiliated team members.
The PHC contributes significantly to research and practice in disability sport. It consists of two main research strands: Sport Performance and Health and Wellbeing.
“Our mission is to improve knowledge about Paralympic sport and to promote the substantial health and quality of life benefits that can be gained through participation in disability sport and physical activity.”
The centre is heavily involved in research at both an elite performance and rehabilitative level. Of particular importance is the dissemination of knowledge from this applied research into practical outputs and guidelines to help inform disability and medical practitioners.
We also provide sport science support to a number of GB squads, in addition to working closely with a number of National and International partners and collaborators to achieve their key aims and objectives. Over the years, many athletes have benefited from our sophisticated facilities and testing procedures of the highest standard. These include athletes from the Great Britain Wheelchair Basketball Association, Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby Association, British Paratriathlon, Great Britain Goalball, hand cyclists, amputee runners and wheelchair racers.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Peter Harrison Foundation and the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University for their continued support.
You can find out more about the PHC here: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/phc/
See more about our latest activities including; latest research, collaborators and applied sport science in our biannual newsletter in the following link: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/phc/resources/