NCHPAD digest
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) latest quarterly digest has been published and can be found from the following link. The letter… Continue Reading NCHPAD digest
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) latest quarterly digest has been published and can be found from the following link. The letter… Continue Reading NCHPAD digest
Cheri Blauwet from Harvard Medical School gave a public lecture at Loughborough University in January 2018. A full stream of the lecture is now available… Continue Reading Cheri Blauwet lecture stream
Winter 2017/18, issue 22 of the Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport’s (PHC) biannual newsletter. A bumper edition that includes details of activities, research, conferences,… Continue Reading PHC newsletter #22
Members of IFAPA are entitled to a discount for annual subscriptions to adapted physical activity quarterly (APAQ). If you are not already a member, you… Continue Reading APAQ v35 #1
The International symposium of adapted physical activity (ISAPA) is a biennial event that takes place around the world. The most recent event took place in… Continue Reading Bids for hosting ISAPA 2021
Cheri Blauwet gives a public lecture at Loughborough University, England. More than just a game: the public health impact of sport and physical activity for… Continue Reading Cheri Blauwet talks about “More than just a game”
The chair of global partnership on children with disabilities, Catherine Carty is pleased to inform you that our GAPPA submission has been published by WHO.… Continue Reading Global action plan to promote physical activity
Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise Symposium It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 15th Asian Society for Adapted… Continue Reading 15th ASAPE symposium 2018
In her long-standing career as a leader of various organisations, committees and commissions, as Honorary President of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical… Continue Reading Commemorative book Gudrun Doll-Tepper
The official journal for the international federation of adapted physical activity (IFAPA) is adapted physical activity quarterly (APAQ). The journal is published by human kinetics. … Continue Reading 30% off APAQ subscription