The North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity website is
NAFAPA Representative to IFAPA:
Andrew Pitchford
Assistant Professor
Oregon State University

NAFAPA rep to IFAPA board
Dr. Pitchford received a PhD from the University of Michigan in Kinesiology with a specialization in Adapted Physical Activity and is currently an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University in the Kinesiology and Adapted Physical Activity/Education program areas. He has been affiliated with NAFAPA since 2008 and previously served on the NAFAPA board as a student representative. Dr. Pitchford is also a member of the board of directors for the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) and is an associate editor for Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. His research focuses on preventing health disparities among individuals with developmental disabilities, including Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, across the lifespan. He works to systematically examine these health disparities and then identify, design, and test targeted interventions for health promotion. He also has a long-standing relationship with Special Olympics, including serving as a Clinical Director of Health Promotion for multiple states. For his research and program contributions, he has received notable awards from the American Kinesiology Association, NAFAPA, and SHAPE America.