To strategically develop research in adapted physical education (APE) / adapted physical activity (APA) and bring greater awareness of these research areas, the Department of Health and Physical Education (HPE) of the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) recently invited two renowned international scholars to share their knowledge and skills with students and faculties.
Dr Prof. Aija Klavina, the president of the European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (EUFAPA), gave a seminar on “Adapted Physical Activity Study Programs and Practical Examples of Adapted Sports in Europe”. She briefly introduced the development of education programmes on APE/APA in Europe. She also shared her research experiences on the two sub-topics of “Collaborative teaching instructions in inclusive physical education” and “Applicable measurements for physical activity across the different groups with disability-specific considerations”. She enclosed the future challenges and potential topics in the APE/APA and health care industry, for further discussion and cooperation at the end of this seminar.
Figure 1 Seminar shared by Prof. Dr Aija Klavina
Dr Cathy McKay, the vice president of the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA), delivered two keynote speeches. One seminar was related to social inclusion and the way Parasport education promotes a change of attitudes and perceptions of peers without disabilities toward peers with disabilities. Dr McKay believed that Parasport had the power to “change societies and promote inclusion, equity, and ultimately peace.” The other keynote focused on research related to contact theory, in which Dr McKay introduced the social interaction between different groups and how it fostered the perceptions and inclusivity when being executed under the appropriate contact conditions.
Figure 2 Seminar shared by Dr Cathy McKay
Due to the pandemic, all the seminars were held virtually. The two scholars were also invited to share their knowledge and research experience among HPE students and encouraged students to pursue careers related to APE/APA in the future. All the seminars/discussions were critically acclaimed and were popular among students and staff. Through this meaningful project, a collaborative partnership between HPE and EUFAPA/IFAPA has been established. It is expected that further collaborations will promote the awareness of APE/APA on both sides, and may bring about social change in the future.
The project is supported by the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) of EdUHK, and more international scholars will be invited to further enhance the impact of this project.
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