9th International Congress of APA, Lima, Peru
In Spanish only 28-31 August 2019 Jiron Camana 547, Cercado de Lima Professional registration US$50 Student registration US$40
In Spanish only 28-31 August 2019 Jiron Camana 547, Cercado de Lima Professional registration US$50 Student registration US$40
The Keynotes at the #isapa2019 are now posted to the ISAPA 2019 website. Here is a list of the title, date and times, and keynote… Continue Reading ISAPA2019 keynote videos
Dates: 7-9th November 2019. The theme of this year’s conference is “HEROES: Serving our students every day.” The goal of the conference committee is to… Continue Reading #NAPEC48 HEROES
Below is the 2019 class of IFAPA Fellow Inductees: Aija Klavina, Academy of Sport Education of Latvia, Latvia Claire Boursier, Paris Nanterre University. France Diana… Continue Reading 10 new IFAPA Fellows
Two awards were given for Young Professional Award at the 22nd ISAPA 2019. One of the awards was given to Dr. Andrew Colombo-Dougovito and the… Continue Reading Andrew Colombo-Dougovito (@amcdphd) Young Professional pt2
The Adaptive Sports USA 2019 National Conference and Member Assembly will be held in Phoenix, AZ on November 10 – 12 at the Crowne Plaza… Continue Reading Adaptive Sports USA 2019 National Conference
President Professor David Legg was awarded the G Lawrence Rarick Memorial Lecture for the #ISAPA2019. It is currently available on the IFAPA youtube channel. https://youtu.be/AHHDHmIkq08.… Continue Reading ISAPA 2019 G Lawrence Rarick Memorial Lecture
The VISTA 2019 programme, set for 4-7 September in Amsterdam, Netherlands, will enrich its attendees with an array of sessions, speakers and networking opportunities surrounding the Para… Continue Reading VISTA 2019 Programme
Following the success of #isapa2019, the next international symposium of adapted physical activity will take place in Jyväskylä, Finland in 2021. The dates are 15th… Continue Reading ISAPA 2021 Finland
First announcement! CAHPERD and SCAPE present: 2019 National Adapted PE Conference November 7-9, 2019 Hyatt Regency Orange County Garden Grove, CA Join us at the… Continue Reading National USA APE conference