9th International Congress of APA, Lima, Peru
In Spanish only 28-31 August 2019 Jiron Camana 547, Cercado de Lima Professional registration US$50 Student registration US$40
In Spanish only 28-31 August 2019 Jiron Camana 547, Cercado de Lima Professional registration US$50 Student registration US$40
IFAPA are supporting a survey being conducted to map expertise and interest in APA globally. Please complete this survey by clicking the link below. Please… Continue Reading Global APA survey
The International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS) has announced the launch of an exciting new addition to its competition programme from 2020 – the… Continue Reading New IWAS Guttmann Games announced
Each of IFAPA regions requires nominations for the position of IFAPA Regional Representative to the Board. In addition to the recent call for nominations for… Continue Reading Call for IFAPA Regional Reps nominations
Inclusive Development Through Sport @icsspe Intensive training from January 20th to January 26th, 2019 in Rheinsberg (Berlin) The 2019 edition of our intensive training week will… Continue Reading Seminar on Inclusive Development Through Sport 2019
Cabrillo College A temporary, part-time faculty assignment(s) for Adaptive Physical Education position for Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2019. Assignment(s) will be in-person at the… Continue Reading Vacancy, Adjunct APE
SOCHIAFA seminar in conjunction with the Mayor university in Santiago of Chile. This seminar takes place the 16-17 of November in the Kinesiology school of… Continue Reading SOCHIAFA 2018 seminar
VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SPORTS AND HEALTH OCTOBER 10 TO 12, 2018 SEDE.PORTOVIEJO. MANABI ECUADOR Cordially Guests Open the Registration, We are… Continue Reading South American APA Congress (in Spanish)
The Chilean Society of Adapted Physical Activity are glad to tell to IFAPA members about our history, developed process, goals and activities in Chile. We… Continue Reading Chilean Society of Adapted Physical Activity
The chair of global partnership on children with disabilities, Catherine Carty is pleased to inform you that our GAPPA submission has been published by WHO.… Continue Reading Global action plan to promote physical activity