12th Brazilian Congress of Adapted Motor Activity
XII CBAMA – April 28 and 29, 2022
The Brazilian Association of Adapted Motor Activity (SOBAMA), in partnership with the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Alagoas (IFAL), promotes a new edition of the Brazilian Congress of Adapted Motor Activity (CBAMA), which will be held remotely on April 28 and 29, 2022.
In its 12th edition, the event aims to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge and practical implications in the area, promoting discussion among several specialists.
The event brings together the study and dissemination of the area of Adapted Motor Activity, embracing the following themes: Adapted Physical Education; Adapted and Paralympic Sports; Physical Activity, Health and Rehabilitation; and Professional training in the area. There will be conferences, round tables, workshops, and scientific sessions (poster, oral presentation and video format), as well as the photo contest.
Link for registration: https://doity.com.br/cbama2022