15th International Symposium for Olympic and Paralympic Research
‘Emerging Technologies and Emerging Sports’
International Symposium for Olympic and Paralympic Research
July 17-18, 2020
Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
The 15th International Symposium for Olympic Research will be co-hosted by the International Centre for Olympic Studies (ICOS) on the campus of Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan on July 17th and 18th, 2020.
Scholars, researchers, students, and professionals interested in the socio-cultural study of the modern Olympic or Paralympic Games are invited to submit abstracts for conference presentations. Papers in the areas of history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, cultural studies, and sport management, as well as other disciplines that contribute to our cultural understanding of the Olympic and Paralympic Games are particularly encouraged. Proposals for thematic sessions are also invited.
Program Committee:
Dr. A.J. Schneider, Dr. David Howe, Dr. Laura Misener, Dr. R.K. Barney and Dr. Mizuho Takemura.
Symposium Site Committee:
Mr. Takuya Kumazawa, Dr. Rei Yamashita, Dr. Hironori Tanigama and Mr. Motohiko Kaneko.
Abstract submission:
Please submit all abstracts and proposals on our Easychair link:
Contact Information:
Dr. A.J. Schneider, Director, International Centre for Olympic Studies, Western University, London, Canada
Mr. Marwan Hellal, Research Assistant, International Centre for Olympic Studies, Western University, London, Canada.
Deadline for abstract submission is January 30, 2020. Contributors will be notified about the status of their abstracts by March 30, 2020.
Suggested Hotels:
Please click here for the list of suggested hotels.
Host’s recommended travel agent:
Takeshi Koshiyama
Early registration: 325 CAD
Late registration: 400 CAD
Graduate Student:
Early registration: 150 CAD
Late registration: 200 CAD
Participant’s guest:
Early registration: 125 CAD
Late registration: 175 CAD
Early registration: before April 15th 2020.
All prices are in Canadian Dollars.
All prices are tax exclusive.
The last date for cancellation and refunds is the 1st of April 2020.