A new and innovative training project will be implemented next fall in the scope of a close collaboration between the University Paris Nanterre and the startup V@Si. It is based on both in-service and pre-service online trainings in APA.


It aims at developing competencies of professionals to be able to provide online synchronous APA sessions and guidance using new technologies (via Visio) to persons with disabilities, with non-communicable diseases, or in the scope of prevention, at home, in special institutions, home care, universities, companies, etc. It meets fully the objectives of MINESPS V and VI, the revised Charter on PE, AP and Sport and its guidelines for policy makers, aiming at enhancing health through physical activity. It meets the needs of many populations in the world as we face challenges linked to health, social inclusion, development of emergent professions on APA and PA. This project could be duplicated worldwide thanks to you.


This project will be implemented in a first step at my university with V@Si and will be tested in Columbia next academic year as a pilot project. We had the opportunity to apply to a call for proposal (150 000€ possible) from Paris region linked to the development of curricula and trainings using new technologies, with a strong impact both on the region and in the world. I am sure that you could become partners of such project. The deadline is June 9th.


To have more chances to win this call for proposal, we need letters of intent from you if you agree to become in the future partners. There is no financial support nor any time requested now. You will find a file presenting this project.

If you are interested, we could afterwards implement MOUs and bilateral agreements. Feel free to share this proposal to any organization who might be interested.

Thanks in advance.


Claire Boursier

Past-President of IFAPA