Each of IFAPA regions requires nominations for the position of IFAPA Regional Representative to the Board.

In addition to the recent call for nominations for secretary and treasurer of the IFAPA board, each region can have a representative on the board. Contact your Regional Board representative and find out if your region already has a nomination for the board.

Africa Representative

Dr. Ogu Okey Charles, Nigeria

Asia Representatives

Dr. Tomoyasu Yasui, Japan

Europe Representatives

Dr. Kwok Ng, Finland

Middle East Representative

Dr. Pınar Yaprak Kemaloğlu, Turkey

North America Representative

Dr. Iva Obrusnikova, USA

Oceanic Region Representative

Dr. Peter Downs

South & Central America Representative

Dr. Neiza Fumes, Brazil

Description of the positions are presented below.

12.7 Regional Representatives

12.7.1 Regional Representatives are seven board members, with full Board responsibilities and benefits, who are elected at regional meetings,or during the IFAPA General Assembly. Elections are also permissable via electronic voting in cases where a region does not conduct regional meetings and cannot send a significant portion of its membership to ISAPA. Their main purpose is to serve as liaisons in the promotion of APA growth and development between IFAPA and their geographical region (usually a continent).

12.7.2 Regional Representatives are elected by members who live within their region: Africa, Middle East, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Central/South America (and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean), and North America (Puerto Rico and the English-speaking Caribbean). If no members from a particular region are present at the General Assembly, the President may appoint the representative

12.7.3 The duties of the Regional Representatives are: promote implementation the Federation’s purposes in their region; submit proposals for working programs of IFAPA taking into consideration specific conditions and requirements in the respective regions; popularize services of IFAPA and make them available to interested parties; seek to enroll new members and encourage their active participation in the work of IFAPA and their regional organizations. submit regular reports on the activities in their region for publication on the website, in the IFAPA newsletters, and in other media.

12.7.4. The office of regional representative is held for a term of two years and are eligible for reelection twice.