“No one was singing the St Louis blues at the Claudine Sherrill Awards Breakfast.”
SHAPE America — Society of Health and Physical Educators (formerly known as the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, or AAHPERD)—conference attendees gathered for the Claudine Sherrill Awards Breakfast, which was held at Rooster’s Restaurant on April 3, 2014. The breakfast was sponsored by professor emerita Claudine Sherrill, who served on the Texas Woman’s University kinesiology faculty for more than 40 years and as a past president of IFAPA. Luis Columna, former chair of the Adapted Physical Activity Council (APAC), served as moderator for the event.
This year the Claudine Sherrill Awards Breakfast recognized the Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year (APE TOY) winners from three district associations. These individuals were also candidates for the National APE TOY award.
Michael Doyle, Central District APE TOY
Doyle is an educator for the Wayzata Public Schools and has been an APE professional for over 7 years. He has served the Minnesota AHPERD board of directors in the capacity of president-elect. He was recently a coauthor for an article in the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance titled “Office of Civil Rights Dear Colleague Guidance Letter.” He has a passion for technology that includes audio and video recordings and displays as well as the Polar GoFit App for physical activity monitoring, which allows his students to receive real-time feedback on their heart rates and target physical activity zones.
Christine Luntzer, Southern District APE TOY
Luntzer has more than 6 years of service in the Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools. She serves as the APE chair-elect of the Virginia AHPERD and is a certified adapted physical educator (CAPE). She has been instrumental in increasing communication between fellow APE teachers in Virginia by developing the quarterly luncheons and social media networking (e.g., Facebook, list serves).
Deborah Marcus, Eastern District APE TOY
Ms. Marcus has more than 13 years of experience as an APE professional at Marley Glen School of the Arundel County Public Schools. She is a certified adapted physical educator (CAPE) and the current APE chair for the Maryland AHPERD. Her outstanding ability to differentiate can be seen during her classes with the use of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), audio and music cues, and modified activities that challenge and meet the unique needs of her students.
Accolades were given to the recipients of the following awards presented during the breakfast:
Undergraduate Award: Amanda Zygarlicke – University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Ms. Zygarlicke is currently completing her physical education teacher education (PETE) degree and certificate in APE under the guidance of Dr. Kristi Roth. Dr. Roth stated, “Amanda exposes the dedication a quality adapted physical educator needs… she has been steadfast in her determination to become a physical educator who impacts the lives of not just her students but her community.”
Doctoral Student: Award E. Andrew Pitchford – University of Michigan
Mr. Pitchford is currently completing his doctorate under the guidance of Dr. Dale Ulrich. As a doctoral student, he has been quite prolific in his work by publishing 4 articles and 6 research abstracts in addition to 10 research presentations. Andrew has been a student representative for NAFAPA and the Michigan Special Olympics.
Julian Stein – Lifetime Leadership Award
David Beaver Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University
Dr. Beaver (d. July 20, 2014) embodied all that is service and commitment to the APE profession. Perhaps best known for establishing Palaestra, Dr. Beaver also planned a significant conference (Achieving a Balance), coordinated grants (Rural Adapted Physical Education Training Program), and was instrumental in the formation of the United States Association for Blind Athletes. As Dr. Stein said, “None stand taller than Dr. David P. Beaver, whose entire professional career exemplified all criteria for the Julien Stein Lifetime Achievement Award and enabled so many individuals with disabilities to attain the life worth living so eloquently expressed by Helen Keller.”
Program Recognition Award: Adapted Physical Activity Motor Clinic, wsu
The Adapted Physical Activity Motor Clinic at WSU has for the past 13 years provided service to the community of people with disabilities in a five-county area. Associated with WSU’s Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity course, the clinic offers community-based programming for children and young adults in both the gymnasium and aquatic setting. The clinic heralded by its community partners is a true example of team effort including adapted physical education, special education, and communication science professionals. SHAPE America commends the work and also celebrates the program for its achievements.