As part of a webinar series, the topic of inclusion in children’s and youth sport is this autumn.
When will the seminar take place: Friday, 19 November 2021; time: 14.30-17.30 Swiss time
Where will the seminar take place: online
Who will present at the webinar:
- Prof. Dr. Attilio Carraro, Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
- Alexander Steiger, Fabian Mumenthaler & Thierry Schluchter, Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern & Institute for Special Education, School of Teacher Education Bern, Switzerland
- Stefan Häusermann & colleagues from the network “Disabled and Inclusion Sport Switzerland”
- critical friends: Prof. Dr. Heike Tiemann (University of Leipzig), Prof. Dr. Roger Keller (Head of Centre for Inclusion and Health in Schools, Zurich University of Teacher Education), Gabriel Currat (Special Olympics Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Caroline Sahli Lozano (Head of Priority Program Inclusive Education Institute for Research, Development and Evaluation, Bern University of Teacher Education)
- University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland : Prof. Elke Gramespacher, Dr. Karolin Heckemeyer
- University of Bern: Prof. Siegfried Nagel, Alexander Steiger

Inclusion in children’s and youth sports is not a topic that has been dealt with only since the ratification of the “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” in Switzerland in 2014. However, the Convention has led to the fact, that the topic is receiving more and more attention – in Switzerland as well as internationally.
Currently, this process is accompanied on the one hand by the search for successful practice in the field of children’s and youth sport, and on the other hand by the question of which research perspectives could be relevant in this field. The planned webinar “Inclusion in children and youth sport” is dedicated to these perspectives and offers the opportunity for experts as well as for interested participants to exchange ideas with each other.
To keep the webinar discussion broad, four short oral presentations will be presented first. There will be an introduction to current concepts from Switzerland and Germany, a presentation about international research on the topic and a contribution about present findings from a current research project. Last, but not least a presentation will highlight reflected concepts related to the practice of inclusive children’s and youth sports. Within the second part, the webinar offers the opportunity of discussing the topic with different experts and policy makers.
Aims of the webinar
• Presentation of current national and international concepts and research in
the field of inclusion in children’s and youth sport.
• Development of further research questions and perspectives.
• Discussion in the context of practice in different fields of sport.
• Transfer of knowledge.
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