The Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise (ASAPE) is now open calls to host the 2024 ASAPE Symposium.
The ASAPE Symposium is held every two years to allow participants to share their knowledge and experience in professional preparation, research, advocacy, and service delivery in adapted physical activity. Symposium programs usually include an opening and closing ceremony, board meetings, research/video presentations, country reports, and practical workshops.

Previous symposia locations included:

No.  Year  City No.  Year  City
 1 1989 Nagoya  9  2006 Nagasaki
 2 1991 Miyazaki  10  2008 Seoul
 3 1994 Taipei  11  2010 Solo
 4 1996 Seoul  12  2012 Hong Kong
 5 1998 Tsukuba  13  2014 Fuzhou
 6  2000 Taipei  14  2016 Daegu
 7  2002 Hong Kong  15  2018 Kuala Lumpur
 8  2004 Bali  16  2022 Hong Kong

*Note: ASAPE 2020 Symposium was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Any organizations that wish to host ASAPE Symposium 2024 should fill out the form “Expression of Interest to Host ASAPE Symposium 2024” and submit it to ASAPE President Prof. Chunxiao Li ( by 31 March 2023.