President-Elect and Vice President

Elections for President-Elect and Vice President will take place electronically via email prior to ISAPA 2021 in Finland (Online Symposium). The current board is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for these two important positions. If you are interested in making a nomination or if you wish to nominate yourself for one of these positions (or if you have questions about these positions), please refer to the contact information. Please submit nominations no later than March 1, 2021 to IFAPA Past President Martin Block, Professor, University of Virginia, via email at Descriptions of these two positions are presented below:


  • The President-elect works closely with the President on all matters. In case of death or absence of the President, or of inability from any cause to act, the President-elect shall perform the duties of the office.
  • The President-elect works in conjunction with the Vice President to drive and support initiatives through the IFAPA regions to increase membership, promote adapted physical activity projects, and develop new IFAPA-related organizations in countries, states, and regions.
  • The President-elect serves a one biennium (2 year) term immediately prior to assuming the office of President.
  • If the President-elect office is vacant, the duties of the office are assumed by the Past President.
  • The President-elect is elected 2 years prior to beginning the term of President. President-elect and Vice Presidents are elected in the same year.
  • The President-Elect serves a 2-year term, after which she/he serves as President for 4 year and as Past President for 4 year.

Vice President 

  • The Vice President works in conjunction with the President-elect to drive and support initiatives through the IFAPA regions to increase membership, promote adapted physical activity projects, and develop new IFAPA-related organizations in countries, states, and regions.
  • The Vice President communicates regularly (at least biannually) with Regional Representatives and Student Membership Chair to encourage member participation and recruitment of new members.
  • The Vice President support the promotion of regional projects in the areas of research, professional education, empowerment, advocacy, service delivery, activities, supports, programs, and communication information exchange in all regions of the world.
  • The Vice President encourages the coordination of work programs of committees and working groups of IFAPA as well as of those of associated or partner member organizations.
  • The Vice President encourages the publication of articles in APAQ, the official journal of the Federation, and in other high-quality journals and serve as the primary contact of IFAPA regarding membership.
  • The Vice President promotes communication and cooperation with nonaffiliated organizations working in related fields.
  • The term of office is for two biennia (four year). The Vice President is eligible for re-election for a second four-year term of office.