The How to monitor and evaluate sport and disability activities webinar that took place last week, the third in the series of webinars from the Sport and Disability Knowledge Exchange series.

If you missed it or would like to watch it back you can access a recording of the webinar via the webpage here: and we have also included the resources highlighted on the webinar below:

  • The difference between monitoring, evaluation and research: our inFocus 1-page guide to the differences between the terms monitoring, evaluation and research. Click here to access.

  • 1-page theory of change: the 1-page version of the common sport and disability theory of change that includes activities, outcomes and impact common to sport and disability projects around the world. A final version of the 1-page and longer theory of change will be available in February 2019 at the end of the webinar series. Click here to access.

  • We referenced questions from the British Social Attitudes Survey (click here to access the questions – you can find the questions from page 88 onwards) and the Scope: Current attitudes towards disabled people report (click here to access) during the webinar

  • Washington Group Questions: Catherine also introduced the Washington Group short-set of disability questions on the webinar. The Washington Group is a United Nations Statistics Commission City Group formed of representatives of national statistical offices working on developing methods to better statistics on persons with disabilities globally. You can find all about the Washington Group Questions by clicking here.