A number of articles focused on APA have been finally published in Quest;
Special Issue: Reflexions on Interdisciplinarity in Adapted Physical Activity
According to the series editors, the articles emerged from “a research workshop entitled Thinking About Our Thinking in Adapted Physical Activity, held at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, from June 18–19, 2013.”
There are six articles and an introduction in this issue with the following titles;
Interdisciplinarity in Adapted Physical Activity
Perspectives on the Contribution of Social Science to Adapted Physical Activity: Looking Forward, Looking Back
Experience, Intersubjectivity, and Reflection: A Human Science Perspective on Preparation of Future Professionals in Adaptive Physical Activity
Framing Cross-Cultural Ethical Practice in Adapt[ive] Physical Activity
Moving Adapted Physical Activity: The Possibilities of Arts-Based Research
Interdisciplinary Best Practices for Adapted Physical Activity
The entire table of contents can be viewed from the following page