Beitostølen Healthsports Center, in collaboration with Healthy Trajectories- A child and youth disability research centre on the Melbourne Children’s Campus, are delighted to welcome you to the symposium “Capturing the Magic – Participation for all” (CAPA 2022) at Beitostølen, Norway.
The Monday 12th of September 2022 will be held the National APA seminar and between Tuesday 13th to Thursday 15th of September the CAPA 2022.
The CAPA symposium, first planned in June 2020 has been postponed twice because of the pandemic, but in September it will gather people from around the world for meetings, discussions, fruitful collaborations, and to present the work at the Healthsports Center and the Norwegian Nature and culture. The symposium has a face-to-face modality
Over the last decades, international clinical and scientific work has increased the understanding of participation. In 2021 a special edition of participation research was published in the journal Disability & Rehabilitation, including research findings from many international research groups. During the symposium are expected to share and discuss the perspectives of the lessons learned from this work – for practice, policy, organizational structures, and future research.
The main question to resolve during this activity is how to change the focus from “capturing the magic” to “sharing the magic for all”.
The preliminary program is available on the website;
For any question, please send an email to;