At the 2021 IFAPA General Assembly on the 16th June 2021, the following changes were voted and agreed by majority vote on in relation to the By-laws.
- Term of the Past President is reduced to 2 years and the roles of the Past President are given to the President Elect. This would keep the number of Board members stable throughout the years
- The Student Representative has now changed to the chair of the New Emerging Scholars in Adapted Physical Activity (NESAPA). NESAPA will have its own committee to build on a community of practice and support to develop newly emerging scholars.
- The role of the newsletter editor will change to communications officer. This is and update of the By-laws to reflect the updated ways to communicate information to the members. Since Human Kinetics stopped producing the IFAPA newsletter, the IFAPA newsletter has been published electronically and with that, the social media and internet presence has grown steadily.
- Other journals to APAQ would be recognised as journals affiliated to IFAPA, including Palaestra and EUJAPA.
In addition, some of the changes were made to the constitution were;
- Reduce the number of board members whereby regions have only one board member, and that individual would be nominated by the regional association if there is one, or continues to be elected at the regional meetings at the IFAPA general assembly.
- The physical address will be moved from Human Kinetics to another physical address in the USA. It is currently at the location of the Treasurer but a more definite address would be sought for.
The updated By-laws are subject to approval by the board of directors and will be made available on the website shortly afterwards.