Job Description

The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is seeking diverse and intersectional individuals with a disability to provide feedback, guidance and expertise around NCHPAD projects, campaigns and objectives as they relate to the disabled community.

Member expectations:

Members will provide timely feedback on all projects sent to them, not to exceed two priorities a month.

NCHPAD appointed staff will check in with members on a quarterly basis to review any current needs or topics relevant to the disability community at that time.

Membership on the panel is intended to allow for meaningful interactions among individuals with a variety of strengths, backgrounds, and areas of expertise. The panel will consist of 8 members appointed by NCHPAD’s PI/Director. Members of the Panel will be expected to serve through the remainder of the Center’s funded year (March 2021) with opportunity to renew upon the Center’s refunding.

Criteria for selection

Members should be individuals from all age ranges with a minimum age of 18 and no maximum.Members should be diverse in ethnicity, race, disability and geographic location.
• Members should be familiar with the disability movement and its current position.
• Members should represent a wide range of occupational and educational backgrounds, including but not limited to unemployed, underemployed and all levels of degree holders.
• Members should have familiarity with one or more of NCHPAD’s focus areas including: public health, health care, education, fitness, recreation and sport, and disability and aging.
• Members should be innovative thinkers.
• Member should be willing to have an active role on the Panel.
• Members should have a range of hobbies or interests.

Members will receive a stipend of $500 for the time period served through March 2021.

Conflict of Interest
All members must have no conflict of interest (COI) related to NCHPAD’s projects and annual objectives by having a competing project or grant.

Termination Date
This charter will remain in effect until terminated by the PI/Director. It is subject to review, amendment, or termination. This charter will be reviewed on an annual basis.

NCHPAD is supported by Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number 1 NU27DD001157 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Interested applicants should submit a short bio and resume to Kelly Bonner at
