Loughborough University offers a fully funded PhD opportunity in a project that aims to understand the importance of aerodynamics in wheelchair racing and to characterise the aerodynamic behaviour and interaction of the chair with the athlete.
The successful applicant will be supervised by Dr. Daniel Butcher and Professor Gary Page, experts in experimental and computational fluid mechanics respectively, and by Professor Vicky Tolfrey, chair of Applied Disability Sport and Director of the Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport. This project is in collaboration with RGK, a manufacturer of sports and racing wheelchairs.
A combination of experimental and computational techniques will be involved in the project to develop an understanding of the flow field and influencing factors around athletes and wheelchairs during racing. The project will investigate how aerodynamics and ultimately, drag varies with changing body position and whilst following other athletes.
More information at the following link: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/research-degrees/phd-opportunities/understanding-the-importance-of-aerodynamics-in-pa/