Message from IFAPA President @Davidfhlegg
Dear Adapted Physical Activity colleagues,
As many of us may move (or have already moved) towards online teaching for the remainder of the semester I have uploaded my entire undergrad course.
Mount Royal University – HPED 3320: Adapted Physical Activity!
Welcome to HPED 3320 at Mount Royal University. This course was created in 2001 and is now a required course in three of the four programs within the Department of Health and Physical Education and is offered in 4 sections throughout the year.
This course provides an examination of specific problems within the psychomotor domain and the related delivery systems for their identification and amelioration. It is an applied course that focuses on the issues and challenges and tremendous opportunities of providing physical activity experiences for persons with a disability.
My teaching philosophy is based on answering four questions:
- What is going on?
- How can we make sense of what is happening?
- What can be done to produce positive change?
- What are we going to do about it?
These four questions are then founded in the values of respect and understanding.
Suffice to say, I hope this website is of value and please, please, please let me know if there are any links not working, and stories you think should be added or changed. Contact me at