Anthony J. Maher & Justin A. Haegele (Special Issue Editors) |
[Introduction to the Special Issue] Disabled Children and young people in sport, physical activity & physical education | |
Lesley Sharpe, Janine Coates & Carolynne Mason |
Voice, vlogs and visibility: the experiences of young people with SEND engaging in the school games | |
Rachel Sandford, Angharad Beckett & Richard Giulianotti |
Sport, disability and (inclusive) education: critical insights and understandings from the Playdagogy programme | |
Rebecca Rubuliak and Nancy Spencer |
‘Everyone’s just like, they’re fine, and when in reality, are we?’ Stories about recess from children experiencing disability | |
Donna Goodwin, Brenda Rossow-Kimball, Maureen Connolly |
Students’ experiences of paraeducator support in inclusive physical education: helping or hindering? | |
David Hortigüela-Alcalá, Daniel Bores-García, Raúl Barba-Martín & Gustavo González-Calvo |
Yes, I have a disability. Does it prevent me from being a PE teacher? A qualitative approach from the point of view of future PE teachers and their families | |
Samantha Nanayakkara |
Teaching inclusive physical education for students with disabilities: Reinvigorating in-service teacher education in Sri Lanka | |