Here is a summary of @IFAPAnet activity in 2019
- The main event of 2019 was the International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity, ISAPA 2019. Hosted by Past President Professor Martin Block, attendees visited the University of Virginia for a week with a chance to learn and network. Videos of the keynotes are available and we started a youtube channel. In addition, a practitioners workshop ran in parallel.
- 10 new IFAPA fellows were recognised at the ISAPA 2019
- There have been 30,381 visits to the website for 2019 (data collected 29th December 2019)
- For 2019, there were 171 posts onto the IFAPA website with the announcements of NAFAPA 2020 and ISAPA 2021 attracting the most amount of visits.
- We grown from 347 at the beginning of 2019 to currently 452 followers on Facebook
- The post with the largest reach a reach of 1857 people is the post on the American Psychology Association Div 47 webinar (despite few ‘likes’)
- There were 187 new followers in 2019 and currently 338 followers on Twitter @ifapanet with over 100K twitter impressions for the year.
- The month of June saw a peak of 16K twitter impressions and the single tweet with the most impressions had 3025 impressions on the 28th June
- 29 articles published in the official journal – Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
- 22 articles published in Palaestra and 10 open access articles in the European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity (EUJAPA)
- 2 newsletters have been published throughout the year.
I hope that this continues and it is with your help and contributions that there is continued growth and social media presence for 2020 and beyond.
Kwok Ng, PhD
IFAPA communications