Regrets, It’s with a deep sadness that I announce that Margaret Talbot passed away on December 2, 2014. More than a fiend, Margaret was a mentor for many of us. President of ICCSPE, she accepted to be UNESCO chair in APA “Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and Communities, Through Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness” since May 2014.
Margaret has been an outstanding expert in all domains linked to sport, physical activity, pedagogy and human rights. She was a strong advocate of IFAPA and shared our goals. She opened our doors to ICSSPE, UNESCO and many other international federations and NGos to ensure that the participation and inclusion of persons with a disability become a global reality. And she was a friend! I express on behalf of all IFAPA members to her husband and family and all her colleagues from ICSSPE our sincere thoughts.
Claire Boursier President of IFAPA