The NAFAPA Board is soliciting nominations for the following Officer positions: President-Elect, Secretary, NAFAPA Representative to IFAPA, and 4 Student Representatives.
Officers serve a 2-year term that will run from the 2020 to 2022 symposia. The President-Elect will also be responsible for serving 2-year terms as President and Past-President.
Please send any nominations (including self-nominations) to Emily Bremer ( by Friday September 4th. Please include the name, title, and institutional affiliation of all nominees.
Anyone who is nominated to run for a position will be asked to:
- Confirm that you accept the nomination by Friday September 11th.
- Write a brief statement that includes your qualifications and why you believe you are best suited for the position by Friday September 11th.
Voting will take place via an online ballot from September 14 to October 2. All NAFAPA constituents will be sent a link for voting. Winners will be announced at the NAFAPA business meeting which will be held online in early October.
Please contact Emily ( ) with your nominations or any questions.