Call for Nominations for IFAPA President-elect and Vice President

Elections for President-elect and Vice President will take place via email just prior to ISAPA 2017 in Korea. The current board is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for these two important positions. Email Martin Block if you are interested in making a nomination or if you wish to nominate yourself for one of these positions (or if you have questions about these positions) ( Descriptions of these positions are presented below.


  • The President-elect works closely with the President on all matters. In case of death or absence of the President, or of inability from any cause to act, the President-elect shall perform the duties of the office.
  • The President-elect works in conjunction with the Vice President to drive and support initiatives through the IFAPA regions to increase membership, promote adapted physical activity projects and develop new, IFAPA-related organizations in countries, states, and regions.
  • The President-elect serves a one biennium (2 yr) term immediately prior to assuming the office of President.


  • The President represents the Federation on all occasions. The President signs all agreements and official contracts as well as any documents committing funds of the Federation which involves a process an auditing process.
  • The President presides over the General Assembly, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and serves as an ex-officio member, with the right to vote, on all committees.
  • The President will, at annual meetings of the Federation and such other times as he/she deems proper, communicate to the Federation or the Board of Directors on such matters and make such suggestions as may in his/her opinion tend to promote the purposes of the office of President, including submitting an annual report to the membership.
  • With the approval of the Board, the President shall appoint a replacement of any board member whose position becomes vacant during the term of his/her office and any board member who declares he/she is unable to fulfill his/her duties.
  • In case of unavailability, the President may appoint as his/her representative any member of the Executive Committee.
  • The office is held for a two biennia (four year) term.

Vice President 

  • The Vice President works in conjunction with the President-elect to drive and support initiatives through the IFAPA regions to increase membership, promote adapted physical activity projects and develop new, IFAPA-related organizations in countries, states, and regions.
  • The Vice President communicates regularly (at least biannually) with Regional Representatives and Student Membership Chair to encourage member participation and recruitment of new members.
  • The Vice President support the promotion of regional projects in the areas of research, professional education, empowerment, advocacy, service delivery, activities, supports, programs, and communication;and information exchange in all regions of the world.
  • The Vice President encourages the coordination of work programs of committees and working groups of IFAPA as well as of that of associated or partner member organizations.
  • The Vice President encourages the publication of articles in APAQ, the official journal of the Federation, and in other high quality journals; serve as the primary contact with Human Kinetics regarding membership.
  • The Vice President promotes communication and cooperation with nonaffiliated organizations working in related fields.
  • The term of office is for two biennia (four year). The Vice President is eligible for re-election for a second four year term of office.