Palaestra v. 35 n. 4
Table of Contents
Pg. 6 Editor’s Corner–Challenge of Masks and Children with Disabilities in Schools by Martin E. Block
International Scene
Pg. 7 G. Lawrence Rarick Memorial Lecture, ISAPA Conference 2019 by David Legg
Feature Articles
Pg. 11 The Impact of a One-Time Community Engagement Event on College Students’ Attitudes Toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities by Jennifer L. VanSickle, Isabell Mills, Heidi Hancher-Rauch, Michael J. Diacin, and Mindy Hartman Mayol
Pg. 21 Creating an Inclusive CrossFit Environment for Children with Developmental Disabilities by Janette Hynes
Pg. 27 Basketball as a Complementary Treatment for Physical and Psychosocial Rehabilitation by Yedidiya Doari and Jerry Mittleman
Pg. 36 Delivering Clinic- and Home-Based Programs Concurrently for Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Multiple Case Study by Motohide Miyahara, Michael Culling, and Clare Green
Pg. 41 Practical Ways to Develop Self-Determination Skills in Recreational Sports for Adolescents with Disabilities by Samantha K. Papp, Joann P. Judge, and Audra I. Classen
Pg. 47 Cri du Chat Syndrome and Fundamental Movement Skills by Emily M. Ford, Nicole J. Luymes, Paula C. Fletcher, and Pamela J. Bryden
Pg. 57 Bits and Pieces
Pg. 61 Resources
Pg. 63 Information for Authors