The Department of Kinesiology at the University of Georgia invites applications for a full-time, tenure track position at the assistant professor rank in the area of Health and Physical Education with expertise in Adapted Physical Education/Physical Education Teacher Education/Sport Pedagogy to begin in August 2020.

All materials should be sent electronically to:


  • Establish a high-quality, focused line of research that includes collaboration with undergraduate and graduate students
  • Teach undergraduate and graduate level courses in Adapted Physical Education, Physical Education Teacher Education, and Sport Pedagogy
  • Seek external funding for research projects and educational programs
  • Advise graduate students and direct master’s and doctoral students’ thesis and dissertation research
  • Participate in the development of the health and physical education program
  • Serve the institution and profession

Required Qualifications:

  • An earned doctorate (Ph.D. or equivalent) in Adapted Physical Education, Physical Education Teacher Education, Sport Pedagogy, or a related field of research
  • Evidence of the promise of moving towards excellence in seeking and attracting external funding.

Applicants should submit all of the following:

  • A letter of application specifically responsive to the position’s responsibilities and required qualifications as described above
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Research and teaching statements (1-2 pp.)
  • Reprints of up to three recent research articles in print or in review, and Names and contact information of four references

Questions may be addressed to the search committee chair, Dr. Bryan McCullick at

Applications received by December 1, 2019 are assured of full consideration.

View the UGA Position Announcement