The congress Youth & Winter Sports @cyws20 will take place in Lausanne on the 7th and 8th January 2020 in the heart of a unique combination of research institutions, international sport organizations and an exceptional winter sport environment.
Deadline for Abstracts has been extended to 15th October 2019.
The congress Youth & Winter Sports #cyws20 is organized by the University of Lausanne alongside our academic partners the EPFL, the CHUV and the Sport Science network SmartMove, and in collaboration with the IOC – Olympic Center Studies and ThinkSport.
The congress offers the opportunity for researchers, sport staff and students to analyse “Youth and Winter Sports” in a multidisciplinary scientific program. A special session will be co-organized with the IOC Olympic Studies Centre around the specifities and needs of the young elite athletes
Just before the 2020 YOG, the congress will provide the opportunity for delegates to be informed and to contribute to the research focusing on Youth and Winter Sport. The congress will be featuring a diverse range of sessions to enable scholars, including postgraduate students, the opportunity to share their latest research. Sessions and workshops will focus on specific sport, on important topics or on professional practices. It will give opportunities for researchers, practitioners and sports organisation’s staff to meet and debate.
The congress will also provide networking opportunities in order to allow delegates to develop collaborative research projects and extend international scientific knowledge