It is time to begin the process of selecting a host for EUCAPA 2020. The board of directors of the European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (EUFAPA) will start the selection process for EUCAPA 2020 during November, 2017. At this time, we seek the draft proposals from prospective bidders
Objectives of EUCAPA
EUFAPA aims promotion and dissemination of research in adapted physical activity and sport science, and practical application of APA services to benefit individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. The various fields of professional practice in APA include education, adaptation, inclusion, coaching, leisure, recreation, and rehabilitation. The objectives of each EUCAPA, while locally determined, must reflect the mission of EUFAPA.
A European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA) is an excellent vehicle to raise local awareness, to provide an outstanding setting for local professionals to interact with world leaders in adapted physical activity, and to allow the hosting region or country to make an international contribution to adapted physical activity.
The suggested format of the conference includes two parallel sessions (maximum), preferably 3 days’ event in ONE BUILDING. The conference language must be English, considering the possibility to create parallel sessions in native language to attract APA professionals with limited
English language skills.
Please prepare your proposal in accordance with the Guidelines for hosting a European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity
Please, send the proposals electronically to EUFAPA secretary, Ursula Barrett ( by November 13th, 2017.
SINCERELY Ursula Barrett (EUFAPA secretary)