APAQ special issue
The Global Matrix on physical activity for children and youth is now in its 4th edition (Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance, 2021). The biennial report cards have gained in popularity for measuring national physical activity for children and youth based on grades akin to the school.
Guest Co-Editors: Dr. Kwok Ng, Dr. Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos, and Dr. Justin Haegele
The Global Matrix 4.0 is scheduled for launch in October 2022, and the special issue is expected to follow shortly after. Due to the timeliness of this special issue, the following are steps and deadlines for submissions:
- Please send a 150- to 250-word structured abstract for your APAQ brief report proposal to the co-editors and copy APAQ editor Jeffrey Martin before November 21, 2021. In it, outline details about the country, the indicators for which there are data, and details of the perspectives used to interpret the data and grades (i.e. SWOT analysis).
- The co-editors will respond within 7 days to inform you on how to proceed (inviting to make formal submission, make adjustments to proposal, or not to submit).
- If the co-editors grant approval for submission, please submit the paper by January 31, 2022 (through the APAQ online submission system at ScholarOne/Manuscript Central).
- The paper will then go through a blind peer-review process, and authors will be notified of a decision (acceptance, revisions, rejection, etc.) by March 14, 2022.
APAQ homepage: https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/apaq/apaq-overview.xml
APAQ submission page: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hk_apaq
APAQ Editor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Martin, Wayne State University, USA