Special Edition Guest Editors: Anthony J. Maher and Justin A. Haegele
SES invites authors to consider the following areas, fields and topics
The views and experiences of children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education
The politics of ‘inclusion’ in sport, physical activity and physical education
Working in collaboration to include children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education
The intersections of disability, ethnicity, gender, social class and/or sexuality in sport, physical activity and physical education
The politics of ‘disabled bodies’ in sport, physical activity and physical education
Embodying disability in sport, physical activity and physical education
‘Inclusive’ pedagogies for children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education
Teacher education for including children and young people with disabilities
Coach education for including children and young people with disabilities
The health of children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education
The ethics of children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education
‘New’ methodologies for studying children and young people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education
Submissions are in no way limited to these points, but authors should refer to the above special edition statements when composing their articles.
Deadlines for Submission
Abstracts (approx. 300 words) submitted directly to Guest Editor for SES (Anthony J. Maher Mahera@edgehill.ac.uk) by April 1st, 2020
Feedback/confirmations by May 31st, 2020
Full papers submitted via ScholarOne for review by September 30th, 2020
Final papers submitted via ScholarOne by February 1st, 2021
Final copy to Routledge March, 2021
Intended Online Publication Date May 2021