Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in collaboration with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) host the EIT Summer School on Inclusive Physical Education.

It takes place over two weeks, from July 7th-19th 2019.

The first week takes place in TCD and the second week in TUM.

The theme of the summer school is Inclusive Physical Education classes at primary and second level for students with intellectual disability.

The work is funded by EIT Health

We are looking for undergrad and/or postgrad students from across teaching, health and sports science to participate. People with intellectual disability are also being recruited. All participants will work in inter-disciplinary groups to generate ideas and propose solutions to ensure inclusive PE.

There is also additional information on our website as well as registration link on the EIT page

InPhysEd Promotional Leaflet_Final <– click here to see Leaflet

Places are limited and closing date for applications is 27th May 2019.