The International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA) is pleased to share an exciting opportunity for aspiring researchers in the field of adapted physical activity. Dr. Daehyoung “DH” Lee, based at the University of Delaware, is seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join the Physical Activity and Technology for All (PATA) Lab in the Department of Health Behavior & Nutrition Sciences.

The position, fully funded and commencing in Fall 2025, includes graduate teaching assistantships, full tuition coverage (up to four years), a living stipend, and conference travel support. Candidates with academic backgrounds in Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Health Behavior Science, or related fields are encouraged to apply.

The PATA Lab focuses on developing and implementing theory-driven mobile health interventions to improve movement behaviors, including physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep. A key area of research involves the use of advanced accelerometry (e.g., ActiGraph CentrePoint Insight Watch & LEAP) to measure the physical behaviors of individuals with disabilities and analyze their links to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Interested candidates should contact Dr. DH Lee at with their curriculum vitae.

*credit photo to Kathy Atkinson, University of Delaware