The South American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity released the realization of the 1st South American Congress on Adapted Physical Activity held on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of December 2022 in the Bio Bio University ubicated in the city of Chillan, Chile.
The objective of the congress is to promote, facilitate and coordinate cooperation throughout South America in research, professional training, service provision, and promotion of Adapted Physical Activity for people with disabilities as a right in contemporary society.
Lectures from the different countries will assist in this event in a face-to-face modality addressing topics such as adapted physical activity, exercise for health, sport pedagogy, and high-performance sport.
Activities are aimed at teachers, educators, trainers, therapists, and rehabilitation professionals, as well as academics interested in the field of Adapted Physical Activity.
Participants may send their scientific research papers for oral and poster presentation, which will be evaluated by the scientific committee of the congress, chaired by Prof. Dr. Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos, PhD in Adapted Physical Activity and professor of Physical Education Pedagogy at the Universidad del Bio-Bio.
This is the first international congress organized by the South American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity which includes members from different countries of the region.
For more information you can visit the following links: