The UNESCO Chair at IT Tralee in Ireland are looking for people to take part in a survey.

Would you be willing to support us in an important step towards making policies and practice more inclusive of people with disabilities?

Are you:

  • A professional in the field of physical education, physical activity and sport (PEPAS) with at least 6 months experience (with experience or knowledge of working with people with disabilities)?
  • and/or a Policy Writer with at least 6 months experience (sport, health and/or education)?
  • Over 18 years of age?
  • Able to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in English (this could be written, if verbal communication is difficult).
  • Able to provide informed consent or assent.

If you answered yes to these questions the UNESCO Chair and the Global Partnership for Children with Disabilities Physical Activity and Sport Taskforce (GPcwd) has a very valuable and relevant research call for you and your participation is as simple as a 20 minute online interview or short online survey. The research project is titled:
The Development of a Global Policy Implementation Framework (G-PIF) to Support UNESCO’s International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (2015).
If you answered no you can still support us in maximising the value and reach of the outputs of this important project by forwarding this call to all those you know who fit the inclusion criteria.
The UNESCO Chair, in consultation with the UNESCO Head office, deemed it necessary to explore this research topic more fully, in particular with reference to people with disabilities, whilst keeping the aims and objectives of the Sport Charter at the forefront. UNESCO’s Charter (2015) engages in a comprehensive manner the need to explore the arena of physical education, physical activity and sport (PEPAS) more fully and inclusively. Literature suggests that in totality, there has been very little analysis of sports policy (Houlihan, 2005) and that much of this research regarding policy in sport especially relates to doping, harassment and violence. Furthermore, the specific mention of disability and inclusion in policies related to PEPAS is very limited.
Research Aims
1. This research will involve a review main policy systems, in particular with reference to people with disabilities and/or the inclusion of people with disabilities.
2. This research will focus on the views of those involved at a policy and practice level. We aim to discover their views on policy to practise (and vice versa), as well as their views on the actual implementation of UNESCO Charter (2015).

Thank you for your support,

the UNESCO Chair team,
on behalf of UNESCO Chair and the GPcwd


Click here for further details