This is a message from a student looking to receive feedback from ISAPA 2017 attendees.
Dear Attendees
It was so nice to meet you at ISAPA 2017 and to learn from innovative APA leaders, like yourself. Between the generous Korean hospitality, the diverse presentations, and the Olympic tour – the symposium was certainly an impactful one! Now that I am back in The States, I wanted to send a follow up email about a small project I am doing.
At ISAPA, it became clear that the missions of ISAPA and the American Physical Therapy Association are very much in sync. This realization and the overriding theme of the conference, “creating a new paradigm and going beyond APA,” have inspired me to create a blog post that will feature the opinions of conference attendees. Below, I’ve compiled a simple 5 minute survey about future PT and APA collaboration. Your feedback, in any capacity, is truly appreciated! Once I review responses, I will create a succinct blog post that I hope to be featured on related websites, such as the following:
APTA Global Health Special Interest Group (GHSIG): website, which is part of a global movement founded by Kim Samuel
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD)
Thank you sincerely for taking the time to participate in this project and for your strong dedication to the populations that you serve. Your feedback will hopefully help to bridge the missions of the APA and PT fields!
Best In Health,
Lacey Salberg
Rutgers SHP
Doctor of Physical Therapy Student, SPT