Photo, Video, and caption competition celebrating human rights in and through sport.
With Funding from IHREC, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, the UNESCO Chair at MTU and key sports stakeholders in Ireland namely the Federation of Irish Sport, Sport Ireland, the GAA, Sport Against Racism Ireland and the Central Statistics Office have launched TRUST Ireland. TRUST Ireland is designed to socialise sport, human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals among government agents, the sports sector, higher education and training, and rights holders on the island of Ireland.
As part of Munster Technological University’s Innovation and Enterprise Month, TRUST Ireland are launching a photo and caption competition. Entrants are invited to submit a photo or video on what “human rights in and through sport” means to them, along with a short (240 character) caption explaining their choice. Entries can be original or curated photos or videos.

The competition is open to people of all ages both across Ireland and internationally. In particular, input from rightsholder groups including people with disabilities; women and girls; Travellers and ethnic minorities; the LGBTQI+ community; asylum seekers, refugees and migrants; and disadvantaged or marginalised communities are sought.
Prizes in the form of vouchers will be offered in the following categories:
- Best overall entry
- Best picture / video
- Best caption
- Youth award
- Popular vote award
- Best MTU entry
Key dates:
March 1st 19:00 (GMT). An online webinar will launch the competition. Webinar Link:
March 1st – 19th: The competition will be open for submissions which can be submitted here:
March 25th 19:00 (GMT). An online webinar will be held to showcase entries and announce the winners in all categories. Webinar link: