Alex Stribing is a third-year doctoral student at the University of South Carolina studying Motor Behavior and Special Education under Dr. Ali Brian. Her dissertation research will focus on self-perceptions, parents’ perceptions and metaperceptions (what the child thinks their parents think) of actual motor competence for individuals with visual impairments.
Recently during her doctoral program, Alex has received the Bryant A. and Jaqueline F. Meeks Scholarship two years in a row for conducting research to students who are improving the quality of education for children who are frequently underserved by the education system. She has also recently received the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) student research grant to help fund her dissertation and has received two travel grants from her college to present her recent work at various conferences.
Alex is a member of The National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID), Society of Health and Physical Educators in America (SHAPE), North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), North American Federation for Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA), and International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA). She was just recently nominated and recognized as one of the student representatives for IFAPA at the 2019 ISAPA conference in Charlottesville, Virginia.