What’s in a Sport Class? The Classification Experiences of Paraswimmers
By: Kirsti Van Dornick and Nancy L.I. Spencer
A Delphi Study of Effective Adapted Physical Education Practicum Experiences
By: Andrea R. Taliaferro and Sean M. Bulger
Oculomotor Control in Amputee Soccer Players
By: Wojciech Jedziniak, Piotr Lesiakowski and Teresa Zwierko
Exploring the Influence of Wheelchair-User Interface and Personal Characteristics on Ischial Tuberosity Peak Pressure Index and Gradient in Elite Wheelchair Basketball Players
By: Joseph Peters, Ian Rice and Tyson Bull
Development and Acquisition of Knowledge of Youth Parasport Coaches
By: Pierre Lepage, Gordon A. Bloom and William R. Falcão
The Relationships Among Perceived Organization Support, Resilience, Perceived Mattering, Emotional Exhaustion, and Job Satisfaction in Adapted Physical Educators
By: K. Andrew R. Richards, Wesley J. Wilson, Steven K. Holland and Justin A. Haegele
(Un)imaginable (Para-)athletes: A Discourse Analysis of Athletics Websites in Canada
By: Danielle Peers, Timothy Konoval and Rebecca Marsh Naturkach
Searching for Paralympians: Characteristics of Participants Attending “Search” Events
By: Nima Dehghansai and Joseph Baker
Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace
By: Megan Chawansky