Obituary Dr David Sugden
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Dr. David Sugden on March 13, 2019. A link to his obituary… Continue Reading Obituary Dr David Sugden
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Dr. David Sugden on March 13, 2019. A link to his obituary… Continue Reading Obituary Dr David Sugden
Overview of the studentship: In the UK both the health and sport sectors are pushing for increased participation in sport and physical activity, particularly amongst… Continue Reading PhD studentship: ‘Nothing about us without us’: Working with disabled people to identify accessible and inclusive ways of evaluating their participation in sport and physical activity
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly Volume 36 Number 2 April 2019 The new issue of APAQ is now available online at: The table of contents… Continue Reading APAQ 36 #2
Ensure you have a place at this year’s major event in adapted physical activity by taking advantage of this extended offer. Early bird registration for… Continue Reading ISAPA 2019 early registration fee extension
Have you heard? Our March Newsletter is now available! You can get all the updates of what NAFAPA and our partners are doing here:… Continue Reading NAFAPA March newsletter
Distinguished Service Professor Lauren Lieberman Named Fulbright Scholar The Camp Abilities founder has received a Fulbright Global Scholar Award to extend the reach of her… Continue Reading Distinguished Service Professor Lauren Lieberman Named Fulbright Scholar: The College at Brockport
A reminder to register for early rates for #isapa2019. @SpecialOlympics Chairman @TimShriver is the first keynote for the International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity, 14-18th… Continue Reading Tim Shriver keynote for ISAPA 2019
48 hours left of early rates for ISAPA2019. Catch interviews with Prof. Martin Block and Dr. Justin Haegele @Justin_Haegele by @ScottMcNamara12 on What’s New in… Continue Reading Podcast What’s new in APE?: The ISAPA Conference
Early Registration Ends 15 March 2019 Dear Adapted Physical Activity Researchers, Scholars and Practitioners: Please join us for the 22nd International Symposium of Adapted Physical… Continue Reading ISAPA 2019 early bird registration 15 March 2019
Title Name Institution Country/Region Advisory Board Professor Kyonosuke YABE Osaka University of Health & Sport Sciences Japan Professor Yang-ja HONG Ewha Womans University Korea Professor… Continue Reading ASAPE Board 2018-2020