The International Symposium on Physical Activity and Visual Impairment or Deafblindness is an opportunity for scholars, practitioners, and parents with similar interests to share research and practice. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research, new equipment usage, new sports, impactful programs, and resources for consumers and families.
Participants will have the choice to attend research presentations, practical sessions, and poster sessions.
There will be ample opportunities to meet and socialize with professionals with similar interests, and many opportunities to collaborate with professionals from all over the world.
Below are all the most important dates to participate in the event:
Deadline for presenting one-page abstract 15 January 2023
Deadline for receiving notification of acceptance is 15 February 2023
Deadline for early payment and for speaker registration is 30 March 2023
Deadline for early payment of auditor registration is 30 March 2023
This event will be held from June 8-11th of 2023, in Parma, Italy.
For more information, please access the following link: