Dear colleagues and friends,

Just coming back from ICSEMIS in Santos, I gathered many new ideas. One of them concern the traditional games and their many positive impacts. I would like to work with my Master students in APA on the adaptation of traditional games for persons with intellectual disability. They will work with PE teachers working in special schools in France and will elaborate a program based on traditional games from different countries. I would like them to work also with colleagues from all around the world = you!

The aims are :

  • To organize one event in December at my university (University Paris Nanterre) : inclusive traditional games (students and athletes with ID)
  • To elaborate a book (online and / or printed) + DVD on these traditional games, with a focus on culture / history of these games.
  • This book would be elaborated by students + athletes with ID + PE teachers + you + anyone you recommend.
  • In the future, organizing an international adapted traditional games event would be great, but this is another issue that we will have to discuss later.

I thank you to inform me if you are interested to participate. This should not take you too much time. Just a few emails with me and my students, sharing your traditional games. The program will start in October. The first phase will end mid December, then we will work on the book which will be in French and English.

As we are at the begining of the academic year, I wish you all an excellent “new year”!!!


Claire Boursier