SO Talks are a digital series of discussions where Special Olympics athletes and experts dive deep into topics such as Global Messengers, Healthy Athletes, Legacy of the Games and many many more!

We will have 14 wonderful Talks with excellent national and international speakers discussing a variety of topics. To access all the Talks in your calendar I would ask you to click the calendar attachment in this email where you will be given the option to add all Talks.

The Talks will be held on Zoom with interpretation into English available for German Talks and vice versa.

Note: you hereby have been informed that the SO Talks will be recorded in audio and video. By participating in the SO Talks, you confirm to the storage and use of the data collected. Should you switch on your camera during the conference or ask questions verbally, this treats as equal to express consent to be recorded. You can withdraw your consent by leaving the camera and microphone switched off and asking questions in writing. You can find more information on