Newsletter Technical problem
The newsletter should have been sent out to all existing members on Christmas day (25th December 2019), but there were some technical problems. These should… Continue Reading Newsletter Technical problem
The newsletter should have been sent out to all existing members on Christmas day (25th December 2019), but there were some technical problems. These should… Continue Reading Newsletter Technical problem
As of 2017, membership for IFAPA changed from an annual membership to a membership tied to the biennial International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA).… Continue Reading Reminder for IFAPA Membership
Each of IFAPA regions requires nominations for the position of IFAPA Regional Representative to the Board. In addition to the recent call for nominations for… Continue Reading Call for IFAPA Regional Reps nominations
Elections for Secretary and Treasurer will take place via email just prior to ISAPA 2019 in Charlottesville, Virginia. The current board is seeking nominations (including… Continue Reading Call for Nominations for IFAPA Secretary and Treasurer
From the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity, we wish you a happy new year in 2019. 2018 has been a busy year for IFAPA,… Continue Reading New Year Greetings 2019
A project that IFAPA is part of is the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities, Physical Activity and Sport task force. Thanks to the work… Continue Reading Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA)
The International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity – IFAPA has a new website domain address. As of 2017, the new website address is Please… Continue Reading Website domain address
Dear colleagues, dear friends, After months, we are glad to welcome you on the new website of IFAPA. We wish this website to be… Continue Reading IFAPA new website is launched