IFAPA President – Prof Martin Block has been invited as a keynote speak for the FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE
D´ÉDUCATION PHYSIQUE (FIEP) European Congress 2017. See below for more details.
The FIEP European Congress 2017 takes place from September 13th-16th in Luxembourg, hosted by the university of Luxembourg. The organization team has stipulated a very interesting program for you! The following keynotes will be presented by the four keynote speakers:
- Prof. Ina Hunger (Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany): Physical Activity in Early Childhood and Social Opportunities;
- Dr. Richard Bailey (International Council of Sports Science and Physical Education): Physical Activity at School: Time for a Radical Rethink?;
- Prof. Martin E. Block (University of Virginia, U.S.A): Preparing Future Physical Educators for Inclusion of Students with Disabilities;
- Prof. Ivo van Hilvoorde (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands): Digital Technology in Physical Education: Global Perspectives.
The following Invited Symposia hosted by eight international organisations and networks will be organized during the 12th FIEP European Congress:
- International Federation for Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA) & International Association of Physical Education for Girls and Women (IAPESGW): Inclusion and diversity – Challenges for physical education with respect to gender, culture and different abilities
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO Chair in Inclusive Physical Education, Sport, Fitness and Recreation) Chair IT Tralee: Let’s inclusivize physical education, physical activity and sport
- Conseil Européen des Recherches en Éducation Physique et Sportive (CEREPS) : Physical education and physical activity in active school communities
- European MOBAK-Network: Basic motor competencies
- European Physical Education Association (EUPEA European Physical Education Association): Monitoring physical education: Physical literacy and its school development conditions in Europe
- European Primary Physical Education Network (EPPEN): Emerging issues in primary physical education across Europe
- Fédération Internationale d’Éducation Physique (FIEP Europe) : Physical education and new technologies
- International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE/CIEPSS): ‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’ – Confusions, tensions and opportunities in the languages of sport science and physical education
More information via this link: https://fiep2017luxembourg.uni.lu/
Registration to FIEP European Congress 2017 will be open until August 31st by following this link: