On Monday, September 29th, 2020, the South American regional meeting was held virtually with the IFAPA board of directors, to introduce the interim board of the South American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity – SAFAPA.

At the moment the South American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity is constituted by members from Brazil, Chile and Peru:
- Dr. Cristian Luarte Rocha, Interim President of SAFAPA (Universidad San Sebastián, Chile)
- Dr. Mey Van Munster, Interim Vice President of SAFAPA (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil)
- Dr. Luis Felipe Castelli, Interim Executive Director of SAFAPA (Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile)
- Ms. Tatiane Jacusiel M., Interim Secretary of SAFAPA (International Paralympic Committee, Brazil)
- Prof. Nut. Mónica Fernández M., Assistant Interim Secretary of SAFAPA (Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile)
- Prof. Kevin Campos-Campos, Interim Treasurer of SAFAPA (Universidad San Sebastián, Chile)
- Prof. Lucha Villar Galvez, Consejo Consultivo Interino SAFAPA (Asociación Nacional Paralímpica del Perú, Peru)
- Dr. Eliane Mauerberg de Castro, Interim Consultative Council SAFAPA (Universidad de San Pablo, Brazil)
- Dr. Edison Duarte, Consejo Consultivo Interino SAFAPA (State University of Campinas, Brazil)
- Dr. Teresa Leitao, Translator and Interpreter / Interim Consultative Advisory SAFAPA (Director of Special Olympics Brasil and Escuela Superior de Educación Física, Brazil)
The work proposal, the bylaws and the suggested logo for SAFAPA will be presented at the General Assembly, to be held during the “International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity“, when there will be an election of the board and indication of the national and student representatives of South America.
IFAPA’s board was represented at the meeting by:
– Dr. David Legg – President of IFAPA (Mount Royal University, Canada);
– Dr. Martin Block – Past President of IFAPA (University of Virginia – USA);
– Dr. Iva Obruniskova – Representative of North America (University of Delaware – USA);
– Dr. Mey van Munster – South American Representative of IFAPA (University of São Carlos – Brazil);
– Ms. Aysegul ‘Rosa’ Aksoy – Student Representative